Thursday, October 31, 2019
Finance Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Finance - Literature review Example he larger it grows, the management therefore has an important decision to make on whether to pay the shareholders their dividends presently or hold onto the money and make a payment of an increased amount. Besides the two, a firm may opt to pay its shareholders in terms of stock dividends; this unlike cash does not offer liquidity but ensures capital gains by the investors. These and many other issues related to the payment of dividends make dividend policies of significant relevance to the management of the firm. For example, the expectation of the dividends by the shareholders, aid determines the value of the firm’s shares. Firms can choose from a number of dividend policy forms and theories to use in the management of their dividends. However, the choice depends on a number of factors key among which is the capital size of the firm (Stickney, 2010). Smaller companies may not have the financial advantage to pay hefty dividends to its shareholders yet still stay operational; they therefore require those policies that consider its market share and the overall level of the return on investment. Additionally, the market factors all of which in a way affect the business operations of the firm must also have adequate consideration before the payment of dividends. This explains the every fluctuating amount paid to shareholders after every financial p eriod. In a summary, dividend arises from the profits made in every financial period. After operating, the firm determines its profit, which is often after deducting the cost of conducting business and that of maintaining the business (Dyck & Neubert, 2010). The firm therefore divides the resulting amount to the shareholders based on the amount of shares each possesses. However, the investors do not share the losses of the company. It is therefore obvious that every operational factor in the market that affects the profitability of the firm directly affects the resultant dividend value and subsequently the share value.
Monday, October 28, 2019
National Foundation for Educational Research Essay Example for Free
National Foundation for Educational Research Essay Over the last century different techniques have been used to organise children within schools according to what the public and government asked for and needed. For example after the Second World War the number and size of schools increased, the tripartite system of secondary education was introduced and there was increased competition for grammar school places Sukhnandan and Lee (1998 pg. 13). There was a drive for excellence and the 11 plus exam leant itself easily to the administration of streaming. However during the 1960s research was carried out that suggested streaming had negative social consequences for pupils, which could have been the catalyst for the shift of emphasis from excellence to equality. This resulted in a shift from streaming to mixed ability teaching that continued throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Ability grouping, in the form of setting and within class grouping, was sometimes used in higher year groups for linear subjects such as maths, science and modern languages but mixed ability was the main grouping method. The essay question implies that again there has been a shift, this time to setting. Boaler et al (1998) seems to imply that pressures from the government are to blame for this move; suggesting research (Gewirtz, Ball Bowe, 1993 cited in Boaler et al 1998) indicates some teachers regard the curriculum set out in the 1988 Education Reform Act as incompatible with mixed ability teaching implying that they have no choice. Todays Governments seem to be increasingly interested in achieving goals and raising standards, even if this means children missing out on the social advantages of mixed ability grouping. Setting seems to reinforce social divisions, as there are a higher proportion of boys, children of lower socio-economic status, children born in the summer and those of ethnic minority backgrounds in the lower sets (Boaler, 1997a, 1997b. Oakes, 1982. Sutton, 1966. Cited in Sukhnandan and Lee, 1998. ) whereas children in mixed ability classes tend to come from a range of different backgrounds. I find this quite extraordinary, as the Scottish Parliament has recently spent millions on an anti-racism campaign. Surely segregating the children, albeit unintentionally, will undermine the message sent out by this campaign? The essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages research has told us concerning setting. It will begin with the discussion of the effect of teachers attitudes and expectations of the set that they are teaching. It will then discuss the limitations pupils face by being placed in sets. It will discuss the social gap created by teaching children in sets. It will also discuss the advantages to the teacher of teaching children in sets and the advantages to the pupils. The essay compares setting to mixed ability teaching on several occasions this is because mixed ability teaching was the technique used before the recommendation to use setting also there seems to only be limited research on the other forms of grouping. Research has shown there to be both advantages and disadvantages to setting. Boaler et al (1998) demonstrated many disadvantages to setting. In their paper they cited a worrying statistic Jackson (1963) 96% of teachers taught to streamed ability groups meaning they taught all the children without consideration into their individual differences. Boaler et al (1998) made reference to some of the experiences of pupils in setted mathematics classes, they reported that their teachers consistently made comments such as youre in the top set, you should be able to do this and youre in the bottom group your not going to learn anything. These attitudes are undoubtedly detrimental for the child. Boaler et al (1998) reported that children in higher sets were disadvantaged because their teachers had too high expectations of the children they were teaching, one third of the children taught in the highest sets felt they were being pushed to hard, that their lessons were paced too fast and they were under too much pressure to succeed because of their teachers expectations and the competitive ethos between pupils in higher sets. This was discovered to really upset certain children, Boaler et al, (1998) I mean I get really depressed it really depressed me, the fact that everyone in the class is like really far ahead and I just dont understand. It was reported that girls were the most affected by this citing the fact that although girls have been reported to be overtaking boys in all subjects boys still get the highest grades in mathematics (where the use of setting is dominant). The complete reverse was reported for those in lower sets, who felt that their lessons were too slow; they werent being challenged so lost interest. They believed that their teachers had no faith in them. This would then lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, they have no option but to perform to the set that they are allocated, if they are not encouraged then they will languish in the bottom sets their entire school life. This causes a self fulfilling prophecy, if they are told that theyre incapable of anything more they will begin to believe it, so they wont try to do anything more. Even if the children in the lower sets worked to be moved up into the higher sets they are unlikely to be successful. Teachers teach the children in specific sets to different tiers of an exam, so those in lower groups will not learn the same things as those in higher groups so movement between the sets would be difficult. The idea that children are taught to specific tiers is generally problematic because children are allocated to sets up to three years before they sit the exam and as mobility is rare this can have detrimental effects on their attainment if they were aware that they could only get a low grade. Boaler et al (1998) reported that only some children actually knew the implications of this. The teachers high expectations of those in higher sets and low expectations of those in lower sets causes a further social gap between the sets, those in the top sets will be called boffins and those in the lower sets will be seen as stupid. This is further intensified by the allocation of better qualified and more experienced teachers to higher sets even though research suggests (Black and Wiliam, 1998, p42 cited in Boaler et al 1998) that this type of high quality teaching is more beneficial to those children in lower sets who need more guidance as they are more easily distracted. The lower ability children will recognise that the higher ability children are seen as better and again this will have detrimental effects on their self-esteem causing them to become interested in anti-educational activities where its cool to be alienated (Hallam article from TES website, Passmore 2002) and will heighten the rift between the ability groups. In a mixed ability class for example there is a reduced distinction between childrens ability, which is beneficial to the children. There is even the suggestion that children of lower ability use those of higher ability as role models. A further problem could be caused because of a distinction made between academic and vocational subjects. Only subjects such as Maths, Science, English and Modern Languages are set while subjects such as Art and Music are mixed ability as a general rule. Children who are good at art and music may not feel as valued as those who are good at maths. The emphasis for teachers seems to be applied to children in higher sets because they get taught by the best teachers and get taught in the best classrooms. Also the children who arent interested may distract other children in these mixed ability groups. Ultimately this will lower their self-esteem and have a negative effect on their attainment in and feelings for the subject. Of cause there must be advantages to setting otherwise the First Minister wouldnt have recommended it. One major advantage is that, compared to mixed ability teaching, its easier for teachers to implement as they can pitch work at a level that is more appropriate for the level the children are at. In mixed ability teaching a large majority of the class are unsupervised while setting lends itself to whole class teaching. This would appear to benefit those children in both higher and lower ability groups. Children in higher ability groups could be neglected and left to get on with their work in mixed ability classes while in sets these children will be given more attention, the children in with less ability will feel less inferior and more confident in groups of children with similar ability. Another benefit for high ability children is that low ability children who dont want to learn will not distract them. The government is aiming to raise standards so its understandable to want to give children of higher ability a better chance. Research (Kulik and Kulik, 1982. 1987. Cited in Sukhnandan and Lee, 1998. ) shows that gifted and high ability children achieve more when placed in sets than they do when placed in mixed ability groups. Its believed by some that high ability pupils benefit in groups with similar ability because it increases motivation by providing appropriate challenges and competition. There is also the implication that the children will be like-minded, facilitating the opportunity for them to discuss and bounce ideas between each other. Possibly the main reason why the First Minister recommended this form of ability grouping is because all the research conducted in this area conflicts resulting in there being no truly consistent findings on the effect of ability grouping for pupil achievement. His recommendation could therefore be based on the fact that setting is easier for teachers so it is more likely children will be taught effectively. His main concern appears to be with raising standards and setting is easier to manage and improve than mixed ability teaching as set guidelines can be given for the attainment targets for each set. The blame for these inconsistent findings has been given to the research methods used. Theres a suggestion made that the outcome of ability grouping isnt the only thing being tested. The quality of teaching, the teachers expectations, the pupils expectations and the materials available will all effect the pupils achievement. The evidence seems to produce more disadvantages to setting than advantages. The main ones being social rather than necessarily academic. However a child will perform better if they are happy and confident. Being labelled as set 6 is not good for a childs self esteem or confidence especially when teachers reinforce the idea that they are not as good as those in higher sets. This ultimately leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy, which eventually causes the child to lose all interest. If the First Ministers objective really is to raise standards then shouldnt he be focussing on these low ability children and trying to raise their attainment levels? High ability groups also suffer because of the expectation that they are more capable than they actually there. To improve this it might be necessary to re-teach teachers on pupil differences and explain that all the children within the set are not identical. For this to occur theyd have to be a reduction in the emphasis placed on meeting targets, teachers need the flexibility to return to areas that children are finding difficult. When all said and done isnt education for the benefit child? The First Ministers recommendation needs to be accompanied by guidelines for teachers on how they can avoid the negative effects of homogeneous grouping. These guidelines should include careful planning, using well-defined targets and remaining aware of the negative effects of ability grouping (GB. Scottish Office. HMI, 1996. Cited in Sukhnandan and Lee, 1998. ) There could also be a move away from emphasis on academic achievement to more recognition of non-academic achievements to restore the self-esteem of children in lower ability groups (Elton Report, 1989. Taylor, 1993. Cited in Sukhnandan and Lee, 1998. ) His recommendation was probably the right one considering the drive to raise standards and make teachers lives easier. Because of the lack of conclusive evidence for what type of grouping is more beneficial academically for the child he was right to choose the method that could be most easily implemented and controlled. However this lack of conclusive evidence means that more research needs to be carried out to discover what the best form of grouping is. To do this researchers will have to establish what is ultimately best for the child, possibly new ways of grouping could be developed or the old ways upgraded.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The role of government in economic development
The role of government in economic development Using national and internationally examples critically assess the role of government in the management of the economy and the economic development. Government plays an important role in keeping the economy stable. Economic during extreme regression such as World War II force governments to take part in rehabilitating the economy. During 1980s, the growth of many developing countries faced a serious down turn (Adelman, 1999). However, many Asian countries assisted by their government are able to maintain or even improve the economic development. Their government found their way out by avoiding deflation and restriction of import and wage. Instead, they promoted their export capacity which allows foreign country to trade and invest in their market. The US federal government is another example of government managed economy. By adjusting the tax, money supply, or the wages, the governments are capable of controlling the rate of economic growth in which affect the amount of employment and price, in turn affect demand and supply. During the Great Depression, in the period of 1930s, government faced economic recessions (Governments Role, 2010). By concerning about slow growth rate, the government treated this situation as the most serious. They greatly reduced taxes rate and funded the money supply themselves. Later in 1970s, the government faced against another problem, the inflation. To deal with inflation, government leaders controlled the situation by restricting the rate of demand, avoiding tax cut, and maintaining the growth in money supply. For decades, Thai government has focus mainly on industrialization policy along its economic situation. To stabilize economic development, they improvise industrial market to be their priority. First, the government allowed the private sector to support the industrial development. Then they would avoid forming any investment that might compete with the industrys private support. These strategies are used to support the private sector, providing governments support, and promote people to compete. However, to be able to take part in international competitive market, the government would have to enhance their productivity rate in both quality and quantity. Therefore, the government reinforces skilled labor and more advance technology to assist industries to increase the standard of their products. With government assistance, we were able to cooperate with Indochina countries in their international trade and investment(Adelman, 1999). Q3. Think about the connection between food production and climate. Write as essay which covers a list of the various ways that production, distribution, and consumption contribute or neutralize effects on the climate. One of the main factors regarding agriculture is climate. As climate change, it causes serious damage on soil, crops, livestock, pest, or even diseases. Therefore, we human tried to find solutions that could neutralize these damages. Policies are made to solve problem from climate changes. First the policy called Agricultural subsidy and trade policies(Antle, 2010). This method was established since 1930; it promote farmer to grow funded crop rather than trying to adapt to climate change. This policy controls the farmers activity. It eventually twisted international market. The second policy or, Production and income insurance policies and disaster assistance(Antle, 2010) is a long term method that insurance disasters. This policy insures that farmer will receiver partial payment in return if their farms are damage but natural disaster. The third policy is called Soil and water conservation policies and ecosystem services (Antle, 2010). This policy protects the fertility of soil and water in a certain area. Crop are ordered to be taken out and replaced by trees. However, this policy do not granted the wish to adapt to climate change even though it promotes environmental value (Antle, 2010). The next policy is Tax policies (Antle, 2010). Because taxation affects almost everything, it gain control of adaptation by speed up the depreciation of assets or promote investment that are eco-friendly. However, taxes can only assist agriculture indirectly. It is more effective in other area in economy, so this policy is often neglected. The fifth policy is the Energy policies (Antle, 2010). We became more and more concern about our climate condition. Therefore, we are more interest in non-fossil-based energy (Antle, 2010). Food production can help fix this problem too. Crops or waste product could be turned into energy. The cost of this method is also very low. Environmental policies and agricultural land use is another policy that contribute to climate change(Antle, 2010). This policy manages the amount of land used since climate change varies in different areas. For example, animal waste has been placed together in a specific site so that the place can be used later. Unknowingly, food production or agriculture could be useful in helping the environment. Since climate changes could not be avoided, every available resource is used to delay it. From animal waste to taxation, they all have their own values to adapt against climate changes. Q4. Where is the future demand for energy likely to be the greatest and why? What sources of energy are likely to dominate in the short run future? In the longer run? Should we be optimistic or pessimistic about the short-run and long-run prospects for energy? India is a home to over 15 % of the world population (India Energy Data, 2010). With high growing economic rate, they consume high amount of energy resources equal to developed countries such as US or Japan. In future, the demand tends to increase due to higher rate of population and vehicle. As the world 5th largest energy consumer, India used 3.7% of the worlds commercial energy (Shanker, n.d.). In contrast, the availability of resources is low; it is likely that someday resources will be insufficient. According to statistics, 8 percent growth of DGP rate would also require higher commercial energy, such as coal, from 3.7% to 6.1% and primary energy supply, such fossil fuel, from 2.2% to 5.1% (Shanker, n.d.). However, every resource is limited especially for coal. Not only they are shortage in the amount, but they also provide low quality of energy including the damage to the surrounding environment. Knowing that someday we will use up all these nonrenewable resources, we also discovered other source of reliable energy such as solar energy. Many scientists assure that in short future, solar energy can be No.1 energy source (What will solar energy need to dominate in future, 2010). With unlimited amount of energy, the sun has a potential of creating solar power enough to fill the need of every single human being. Moreover, energy provided by the sun is acceptably clean and it does not require any maintenance (Future Uses of Solar Energy, 2009). However, this energy resource is still incomplete. Solar energy does not have the power to complete with fossil fuel. It also is costly to obtain this energy and it still requires farther research. Despite the incomplete factors of solar energy, this type of energy is likely to dominate the short run future. Nuclear power is the second to nothing in creating energy. Like solar energy, nuclear energy leaves no trace of carbon behind (Liptak, 2009). The amount of energy it is capable is extremely high. However, nuclear energy has its own disadvantages. Start off with the unstable cost of uranium. The amount nuclear power plant requires could be estimated around four million tons. Calculating from today uranium price ($50/lb) it could, one day, suddenly raise up to twice its original cost (Liptak, 2009). The other disadvantage would be its risk factors. Nuclear power is dangerous, and its toxic waste is highly contaminated. Scientist still has to do research no how to keep it safe. But the usage today is already abundant; it supplies energy for over 7.5% of total consumptions (Liptak, 2009). So it is now slowly crawling to the peak of long term energy. Both solar and nuclear energy are to be look forward to. I believed they are capable of replacing existing nonrenewable resources like fossil fuel. Future science and technology would be able to reduce the cost of these energies. Finally, it will be both worthy and safe. Q5. Regionalization verses Globalization, discuss how globalization has led to regionalization and the tensions that have arisen between these two forces, as these are involved in the current trends towards formation of continental trading blocs and trade regimes. Compare and contrast the protectionist tendencies of the 2000s with those of the 1930s. Many countries economy tried to expand their market internationally. Globalization process led them worldwide. However, sometime, it encourages these countries to invest in the smaller area instead. The barriers between cultures may interfered the market (Clancy, 2009). So it is more convenient to invest in area with same living style or belief. This is why some countries change their method from globalization to regionalization. Trading with neighbor is obviously easier than trading with far foreigners. The price rate too differs between places. For example, text book used by Thai university cannot be sold in US. Why is this so? The price rates between Thailand and US differ so much that the prices of books made in US is unaffordable for Thais. Thats why books were printed in here just for us, and they are strictly restricted by the US. Since is it harder for South East Asian countries to do trading with United State compare to the nearby countries. These countries established their own market with neighboring countries to strengthen themselves. ASEAN is one of them. With cooperating countries, to trade with far foreign countries is far easier. During the early 1930s, protectionism kept US trading away from outside. With low international trading partners and less economic tools, this period were known to be disastrous (Clancy, 2009). In 2000s, the United Stated seems to have learned their lesson. The tendencies in protectionism decline allowing global trade to grow. When money supply is stable, investor again have confident in the market, therefore, economic rate growth. Most people agree that protectionism is not the right way out. This method in both periods risked the market with depression state. Q6. Describe and explain the differences in age composition of populations in advanced countries and those in less-developed ones. What economic and social problems do these populations characteristics create in each case? In the different living environments, the different is population age is distinctive. Fertility rate is one factor that decides the amount of population (World Population Prospects, Volume III). In well-developed countries, fertility rate due to technology and medication is higher compare to the developing countries. This is why age composition in these two environments differs. In advanced countries, the ratios of older persons are much higher compare to the less-developed countries. According to statistics, the rates of people with age above 65 tend to rise from 15.3% in 2005 to 25.9% in 2050, whilst the population of the young ones under age of 15 will slightly decline from 17 % to 15.6% in the same period. For the less-developed countries, population of old-age people increase from only 3.2% to 6.6 %, while population of youth under 15 will apparently decrease from 41.5 % to 28.9 % due to lesser fertility rate. However, these children do not just vanish, as time changes the ratios of population age around 15-64 will rise up from 55% to 64.5% in this period of time (World Population Prospects, Volume III). As overall rate of young population decrease while the rate of old people increase the rate of dependency too will rise. During the period of 2005 2050, in the developed countries, the ratio rate of dependency per 100 working person rise from 47.7 to 71.2. This will obviously cause independency problem for people with age over 65 since the number of working population compare to retired people is decreasing. In contrast, ratios of dependency per working people in the less-developed area drop from 81.8 to 55.1 which means, children in these regions are stepping into workable stage while old (retired) dies (World Population Prospects, Volume III). The dependency rate not only affects peoples living, but it also affects economic performance. If the populations of workable people increase, the income per capita of this group will too rise. In the less developed countries, economic growths are effected by growing of working-age population (World Population Prospects, Volume III). As the income per capita grows, people tend to spend more which motivate active economic market. In this period, the workable population boosts the rates of economic growth. However, the rates differ in developed countries. As the workable population decrease, the countries economic growth will too delay.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Death to the Old or Death to the Young? Essay -- Science Cloning DNA P
Death to the Old or Death to the Young? Since Dolly the cloned sheep was born on February 24, 1997, stem cell research in the United States has been a widely debated topic, especially after President Bush’s August 9, 2001 speech, allowing federal funding for limited stem cell research. Stem cells, obtained from an embryo, are cells that have not developed to the stage in which they are specified. Thus, a stem cell can develop into any type of cell in the adult human body. In the process of obtaining stem cells from week-old embryos, the embryos are destroyed. Many scientists believe that stem cell research holds the key to finding cures for diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. The issue is complicated by the fact that there are several different ways to obtain stem cells for research purposes and there are several pros and cons for each of these methods. There are four ways of obtaining stem cells, which are taken from week-old embryos, including: using unwanted embryos from fertility clinics, embryos from aborted fetuses, cloned embryos, and/or embryos created for research purposes. Stem cells can also be taken out of adult bone marrow, but scientists do not think that adult stem cells hold as much medical potential. Conservatives are against federal funding for stem cell research because they feel through this funding the government would be contributing to â€Å"murder.†This idea is rooted in religious beliefs, which include the belief that life begins at conception, therefore an embryo is a human being. However, liberals support federal funding for research using embryos because they question whether embryos are full human beings and bel ieve the research could expedite potential... ... Online. Infotrac Expanded Academic. 3. Kinsley, Michael. â€Å"Michael Kinsley: Reason, Faith, and Stem Cells the Government’s New Research; Rules are an Attempt to Reconcile the Irreconcilable.†Editorial. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. September 1, 2000: 3. Online. Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe. 4. Novak, Michael. â€Å"An Embryonic Religious Conservative.†The National Review. 16 July 2001. 5. Pollitt, Katha. â€Å"Baby It’s Cold Inside!†The Nation. August 20,2001: 4. Online. Infotrac Expanded Academic. 6. â€Å"Stem-cell Research: Drawing the Line.†Editorial. The Lancet. July, 21,2001: 3. Online. Infotrac Expanded Academic. 7. Weigel, George. â€Å"Stem Cells and the Logic of the Nazis.†Editorial. Los Angeles Times. September 3, 2000. Online. Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Online Library Management System Essay
1. Introduction: Detailed design starts after the system phase and system has been certified through the review. The goal of this phase is to develop internal logic of each of the modules identified during system design In the system design, the focus is an identifying the modules, whereas during the detailed design the focus is on designing the logic for the modules. In other words in system design attention is on what components are needed, while in the detailed design how the component can be implemented in the software is the issue. The design process for software system has two events. At the first level focus is on deciding which modules are needed for the system, the specification of these modules and how the modules should be interconnected. This is called system design or top level design. In the specification of the module can be satisfied is decided. This design level is often called detailed design or logic design, because the detailed design is extension of system design, system design controls the major structural characteristics of the system. The system design has a major impact testability and modifiability of a system and impacts its efficiency much of the design efforts for the designing software are spent creating the system design. 2. Applicable documents: The detailed design refers the system documents hence the first application documents here is system design, also we are referring the data structure. Hence second application document here is database design 3. Structure of software package: The software package consists of following functional components. * Functional component 1: Registration. * Functional component 2: Book issue. * Functional component 3: Book return. * Functional component 4: Search/view book details. * Functional component 5: Update book details. * Functional component 6: Payment (Fine). 3.1 Structure charts: It is graphics representation of the control logic of processing function or module representation of the system. It is one of the most common methods used for system design. In a structure charts each program module is represented by a rectangle box, modules at the top level of the structure charts call the modules at the lower level. The connection between modular are represented by lines between the rectangular boxes. The connection describes the data flows between the called and calling modules. 4. Module Decomposition: 4.1 Student details: In this form the users have to enter the details about the student like name, regno, course†¦etc. If the proper details are not entered at the same time error message will be displayed and record will not be stored†¦And if the entered register number is already exist then the details can’t be stored and error message will be displayed. 4.2 Delete student details: In this case admin can delete individual student details by entering his register number .If the Register no is not entered at same time message will be displayed and record will not be stored†¦And if the entered number is already deleted then it will be giving the message. 4.3 Book issue: In this form the Liberian can issue the books to the student. If the books are already distributed to students then Liberian can’t issue those particular books. 4.4 Book return: Here the user must return the book on given date†¦ Otherwise fine will be calculated†¦ 4.5 Calculate fine: In this case we can maintain the late fine of library member who return the issued book after the due date†¦
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Research methods Essays - Covariance And Correlation, Free Essays
Research methods Essays - Covariance And Correlation, Free Essays Research methods Scientific inquiry feres to a standardized way: Mking observations Gathering data Forming theories Testing predict Interpret results Correlation and causation Always confused in health and behavior science Correlation does not imply causation -smoking is correlated with alcohol use causation implies correlation -smoking causes lung cancer correlation the relationship between tjankgs rgar happen or change togetherthe state or relation of being correlated specifically a relation exis******* causation the act or process of cause something to happen or exist the relationship between an event or situation and a possible reason or cause 4 ways to explore correlation replicable can it be repeated besides from u falsifiable if my hypothesis can be proven wrong precise clear and concise parsimonious stingy, have the simpliest explanantion possible between now and monday do quiz online homework gun control I took a pic on my phone The qiz questions are midterms questions Choose an area of interest and an area of inquiry State the prevalence and importance -why do we care? About ur unanswered question Economic Mental health/deaths/impact on society of family Future based issue How has it been dealth with in the past -what is the common answer to the problem why has it not been effective or remains unswered? Main focus- possible solution/ alternative method What is the possibility of approaching it this way
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